Accessibility in Banking: Opportunities and Obligations for Financial Institutions


From June 28, 2025, the Accessibility Strengthening Act (BFSG) will come into force, which implements the EU Directive 2019/882 on accessibility requirements for products and services. This change in the law particularly affects banks and online commerce, which are obliged to make their products and services barrier-free accessible.

  1. Legal situation / requirements 

    The accessibility laws are based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which are published by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and World Wide Web Consortium ( W3C) were developed. These guidelines specify different levels (A, AA, AAA) that describe how accessible a website should be. The BFSG specifically refers to Level AA of the WCAGs, which serves as a standard for implementing the accessibility of digital offerings. It stipulates that products and services for consumers must be designed to be barrier-free from 2025.

  2. Accessibility on websites and in shopsThe implementation of accessibility also affects the digital area, especially websites and online shops. In addition to improved navigation and high-contrast displays, websites must also be compatible with assistive devices such as screen readers. This software reads the content of a website to visually impaired people and requires clear semantic structuring of the content and the use of WAI-ARIA attributes. Accessibility therefore means not only a visual design, but also an accessible structuring of the content that enables all users to understand and use the website.
  3. Who is it relevant for? 

    In addition to banks and savings banks, other companies are also affected, especially those active in the area of ​​electronic commerce. This includes companies in retail, e-commerce, insurance and other service companies. The BFSG applies to companies of all sizes, although exceptions are made for micro-enterprises with low sales or few employees. However, accessibility on the Internet is not only a legal obligation, but also an opportunity to improve the user experience and increase the findability of the website in search engines.

Overall, the Accessibility Strengthening Act offers an opportunity for companies to make their products and services barrier-free and thus promote the participation and inclusion of all people.

How can Accelleraid help here?!

We have been working with many banks and insurance companies on the topic of barrier-free customer experiences for years. As experts in personalization, we have the necessary experience to adapt the customer experience for every industry and every target group.

The conversion of your pages can be extremely accelerated with our AI-supported personalization solution. We also have experience with integrations into all common CMS systems. The software recognizes in 200ms what the page must look like for each target group so that they receive an ideal experience.

Feel free to contact us to work out an individual use case for you.